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Art Lasky

Started by rumb, 04 November 2023, 09:08 AM


Last week was out having drinks with friends and a guy comes up and asks who's W108 250s is parked outside.  He was also driving one! I see VERY few W08's around here. Start talking and find out he works for this guy Art Lasky.  Art is a >50 year MB mechanic who had a large MB shop in Hollywood area and serviced all the big stars.  He worked for Pierre Hedary for some time also.

So next day I go over to his shop, which is really just an old (1920's) garage behind an old house, Have to go down an alley to find, only way to reach it.  He has about 6-7 MB's there and about that many more stored in a field somewhere. His shop is like being in a candy store with the walls covered in parts everywhere. He is currently  doing mechanical restoration of a ?W110 coupe for a person in England that shipped his car over to be worked on.  Looks like he regularly strips old MB's for parts. I bought a trim piece for my W108 and he gave me a 4 gang window switch and showed me how to repair it. Also gave me a pair of w116 wiper arms with the original stainless wiper holders.(he has many more of these..)

He has another young man 21 years old working for him that dresse full time in 1920's clothes and drives a old 190.

PS -if anyone needs any good used parts let me know as this gentleman probably as it.

'68 250S
'77 6.9 Euro
'91 300SE,
'98 SL500
'14 CLS550,
'21 E450 Cabrio


Sounds like a solid guy. I've heard his name before somewhere...
1993 "Pearl Blue" W124 280TE
1988 "Arctic White" W124 200T
1979 "Icon Gold" W116 450SE