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Lies, damned lies, and statistics

Started by admin, 16 November 2011, 06:32 PM


We have a new leader!

There has been an adjustment to some member post counts to reflect the counting of posts only in the Garage section of the forum, generally those discussing matters relating to the W116. Previous post counts incorrectly counted some frivolous Community posts.

Now get back to more important things! ;D


Gawd darn it!  Much of my post count has been due to frivolous posting, but I worked hard to come up with that dribble.  I've noticed a few threads disappear and post count drop but now I have to give the top poster crown to Major Tom  :'( :'( :'(  Fine! But I'm keeping the 5000 post grill badge. 

He's only a 100 and a bit in front.  I might have to buy another POS to fix up so I can overtake ya MT  ;)
1973 350SE, my first & fave



I think TJ has a good car for you ;)


It is not the number of posts made but.... who am I kidding? It is the number of posts made!

You can help with my car if you need something to post about! Should be a quick commute every Saturday morning ;)

If you look at your Profile and Show Posts, you can see the total number of posts including the frivolous Community posts ::) You have both made an admirable contribution to this forum :o
1977 450SE [Brilliant Red]
2006 B200


Quote from: Mforcer on 16 November 2011, 11:21 PM
If you look at your Profile and Show Posts, you can see the total number of posts including the frivolous Community posts ::)

Holy cow you can too.  Just checked last page and yeah... a bit scary looking at some early posts. ::)  What's scarier is in the stats, my time logged on.  95 days (compared to MT's 78  ;D ) I might have to set a spare 'puter up always logged on to keep that crown mwahahaha ;D
1973 350SE, my first & fave



Post counts are nice enough but totally frivolous IMO, A forum I frequented dispensed with them after the newbie count and from there on in the Admin just assigned ranks according to contribution.

This ensures that valued members get recognition and are instantly recognised by new members who may not understand the lay of the land yet and although valued members often don't seek recognition its nice to be recognised for your contribution.

I also have no desire to see how sad a bugger I've become when viewing the stats lol



Says he with less than 100 posts. :D  I'm kidding, I'm kidding ;) 

Seriously Tony, I agree with you, despite my jousting with MT ;)  For the early days of the forum and for the few years following it was a bit of a novelty I suppose as the fledgling forum with far fewer members developed rapport, reached some mini milestones, found its feet and took off.  It's a common trait that I think anyone here would rather praise quality over quantity.  I've always thought the contributions from quite a few other members (including MT ;D ) that have been round for as long as me or less, have given much more technical expertise and insight than my own.  You tend to notice and follow those that pop up with the goods regardless of post counts, be they new or longer standing members.  With the current influx of postings and no spannering on my part it's been good to sit back and read rather than post.
1973 350SE, my first & fave


92nd post......... LOL

Agreed Oscar, And I've seen it time and time again in forums where the true Gurus often have less than 750 posts therefore being robbed of the recognition they deserve.

This folks is why most forum software has the optional ability to post a user rank, bestowed by the Admin team and usually thoroughly deserved.

I myself used the moniker of Guru to say thank you to those who stand and serve the forums with their insight and vast knowledge and although we may not always like what they say it is almost without fail very valuable.

Note my rank says Huge Member..........  :-)


If I had a huge member I wouldn't spend so much time on online forums.


1974 W116 450 SEL 340.000km
Black exterior (040), olive green velours interior (966)


Perhaps we should abandon all the statistics and post counts, and implement karma ratings?
1977 450SE [Brilliant Red]
2006 B200


Quote from: Mforcer on 20 November 2011, 06:44 PM
Perhaps we should abandon all the statistics and post counts, and implement karma ratings?

Do you mean Kama Sutra ratings, by position or something?

Boogity, Boogity, Boogity, Amen!


The all important "r" in karma :-X

I've seen some forums where Members, if allowed, can 'applaud' or 'smite' other members, which is how their popularity is calculated. I believe this was trialled here many years ago but there was too much smiting at the time :(

Perhaps a kama sutra rating would be better :-\ I do know that I will not be a part of the awarding of kama sutra points!
1977 450SE [Brilliant Red]
2006 B200


As a member of some standing - I stand before you and not behind you, to address you and not to undress you, and to ask you what colour would you like the Town Hall whitewashed.

Is that frivolous enough? ;D
