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Who's running a Becker?

Started by 1980sdga, 06 June 2011, 06:04 PM


Quote from: Raptelan on 13 June 2011, 12:39 PM
I'd originally considered looking into updating the brake lights, etc. to LED then realized they really piss me off any time there's a car in front of me with them at night.  It's not just that they're extra-bright, but the lack of a few millisecond warm-up/cool-down time (touted as an "advantage") causes the change to be a lot more jarring.  They don't piss me off quite as much as those few year/model cars that came with blinking third brake lights, but they're right up there.

The advantage is that the instant on crosses the threshold of visibility around 200ms faster than an incandescent lamp, at 100 kmh this is about 8 meters (60 MPH, 18 feet) which could well make the difference between running up the arse of the car in front or stopping in time.

Since you can't see your own brake lights it shouldn't piss off too much considering the benefit gained.

LED rear light assemblies are on my todo list, scheduled for around 2019 - if I pull my finger out and get on with a few other jobs.

Boogity, Boogity, Boogity, Amen!


Quote from: koan on 13 June 2011, 04:48 PM
The advantage is that the instant on crosses the threshold of visibility around 200ms faster than an incandescent lamp, at 100 kmh this is about 8 meters (60 MPH, 18 feet) which could well make the difference between running up the arse of the car in front or stopping in time.

I've heard this argument, but 200ms, even when put in terms of 18 feet, is not that much, and I believe most people tend to watch for more than just brake lights - if the car in front of you is slowing, you should be slowing too, whether or not you see brake lights.  If you're so far up it's arse that you can't stop in time, then it's your own damn fault for hitting them, and that's exactly how insurance companies view it.  It might just be that the LED brake lights tend to be so much brighter that bothers me.  They don't need to be blinding in order to turn on faster.  I do like the way they look, other than that.

QuoteSince you can't see your own brake lights it shouldn't piss off too much considering the benefit gained.

I can't see my own headlights to the extent that other drivers can either, but I'm not going to be driving down the road with wobbly blue beams, either, even if they give me some "benefit".  To each their own. :)


been contemplating upgrading my hi level brake lights as the bulb as melted my casing, odd but true - and wondered what is this LED option? anyone have any pictures or ?

cheers JJB :)


Quote from: Raptelan on 13 June 2011, 06:11 PM
I've heard this argument, but 200ms, even when put in terms of 18 feet, is not that much, and I believe most people tend to watch for more than just brake lights - if the car in front of you is slowing, you should be slowing too, whether or not you see brake lights.  If you're so far up it's arse that you can't stop in time, then it's your own damn fault for hitting them, and that's exactly how insurance companies view it.

If some one is bearing down on your rear with all brakes locked up 18 feet is a reasonable distance.

Anyway I was viewing it not from the aspect of how you and I drive but from how the other idiots on the road drive, the ones behind us.

As you say to each is own.


Boogity, Boogity, Boogity, Amen!


Quote from: 1980sdga on 13 June 2011, 02:34 AM
This is probably cheap but looks the part
Quote from: calvin streeting on 14 June 2011, 09:50 AM
Thats the one i put in

That unit is not a bad substitute for a pinstripe Mexico.

Boogity, Boogity, Boogity, Amen!


That looks good Calvin  8) 


Aha, I found a picture from my old car - it was a Europa:


For those that subscribe to threads, I've started another thread in this section of the forum with the Becker Mexico Technical Information scanned.


I bought a Becker Mexico and had it rebuilt and an Aux in added but have yet to have it placed in my car. It currently has an aftermarket radio. Does anyone know if the original connectors would have been cut to put in the aftermarket radio? If so will this pose a problem in putting in the Becker?

1979 450 SEL "Spinne Blaue"


Do you have the original amp that came with the Becker?  On mine I only had power, antenna and ground for the radio itself but there is a DIN cable running to the amp.


The Becker I have has an amp connected to it. It is not in the car yet.
1979 450 SEL "Spinne Blaue"


Sounds like you should be good. Do you have the fader in the console and if so does it work?  The speaker outputs and power from the antenna comes off the amp.

I was worried about wiring problems but it was quite easy!


I do not know if the fader works. When the aftermarket radio did work I do believe it made static noises when moving it.
1979 450 SEL "Spinne Blaue"


Pull it out and give it a good cleaning with some Radio Shack contact cleaner/lubricant. If the fader is working then I imagine  most of your speaker wires are intact.  On my radio they just took the speaker wires from the amp and hooked them into the new radio. All I had to do was put some connectors on the speaker wires and antenna wire and plug them into the amp.  Power and ground to the radio and it was done!

The Wonderbar is extremely neat!