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Grille chrome strip revival tip

Started by ptashek, 08 September 2024, 11:59 AM


I recently found myself looking at the badly deteriorated former-chrome strips on the grille in my W124, and made an experiment with some 3M 3381 aluminium tape I had left over from insulation work on the house. The tape is 1.4 mil (0.04mm) thick, UV and high-temp resistant, and has this slightly dull, polished aluminium look to it.

Since the W116 and W124 grille chrome strips are of similar shape and size, this same technique should be transferable here.

I've carefully peeled remnants of the old chromed tape, gave the plastic a light scuff with 800 grit paper, and then carefuly applied a single 10mm strip of tape to each bar. Trying to get it as even and bubble free as possible is quite the task, as once that tape sticks the only way to fix any mistakes is to start over.

Same process applied to the vertical, metal center bar.
The chrome effect is not as glossy of course, but still looks good.

1993 "Pearl Blue" W124 280TE
1988 "Arctic White" W124 200T
1979 "Icon Gold" W116 450SE


That looks great, thanks for sharing - this is my next 'body improvement' so, very timely

