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W201 190E engine rebuild

Started by TJ 450, 17 January 2011, 10:04 AM


I suspect TJ must of fallen asleep under the car last night - we have reinstalled the engine and I was hoping for some new photos to look at ;)

TJ 450

Yes, after yesterday's ordeal, I pretty well did fall asleep! 8)

S Class, I'm not sure why you can't see the pics, they are hosted on imageshack.

So here is what it looks like with the engine installed. I decided it would be easier to install the engine with the bare minimum attached, and it gives me time to get all the other parts sorted out.

By tim_w116 at 2011-03-06

By tim_w116 at 2011-03-06

By tim_w116 at 2011-03-06

1976 450SEL 6.9 1432
1969 300SEL 6.3 1394
2003 ML500


Looks Great Tim and thanks for the pictures which came through loud and clear.

Love the crochet cushions - but does your mother know what you get up to in that house in your spare time? ;D


TJ 450

No worries, Bill.

Haha yes, the cushions... I was very careful not to soil them with grease and oil, as I might not be here today otherwise. :o

My mother is celebrating now that the engine is out of the house. She is also pleased that the M-100 is too big and heavy to rebuild in the house, so it's unlikely that it will be happening again. 8)

Anyway, I'm hopeful that the engine won't be coming out of the car for a long while (the 190E's that is).

1976 450SEL 6.9 1432
1969 300SEL 6.3 1394
2003 ML500

TJ 450

I've slowly been doing various assembly work. I fished out the chain and set the valve timing, using a double row master link temporarily... The current master link for these single row chains has the circlips omitted by Mercedes, and it is noted in the manual that the type with circlips is not to be used. This requires a special peening (rivetting) tool, that I will probably need to purchase.

I sent the valve cover and exhaust manifold off to be media blasted. I might consider a plain alloy finish valve cover. 8)

By null at 2011-03-10

By null at 2011-03-10

1976 450SEL 6.9 1432
1969 300SEL 6.3 1394
2003 ML500


Looking awsome TJ.  Any idea what this rivet gun thing will cost?

BTW, just noticed your rego plate from previous post  :D  In Arnie voice "Come with me if you want to.... stay cooool" 
original or what. ;D
1973 350SE, my first & fave

TJ 450

Not sure about that chain tool, I have seen it on eBay for a few hundred from memory. I might try a temporary option with clips and take it to The Star Shop for installation of the proper part. My internet connection has been capped, so eBay is a frustrating experience at the moment.

Yes, those plates are a purchase I'll never regret. I've had them for about 9 years now, and are starting to look like swiss cheese having been mounted to two Volvos beforehand. 8)


1976 450SEL 6.9 1432
1969 300SEL 6.3 1394
2003 ML500

TJ 450

As my efforts shift to the 6.9 for a short while, this project has momentarily stalled.

However, this is the latest...

Most the assembly has been completed, with the exception of the timing chain master link and crankshaft bolt. I need the special tools, and I will indeed purchase those just as I get the 6.9 under control.

The dipstick tube among a few other parts are not properly installed as yet.

I look forward to utilising this machine.

1976 450SEL 6.9 1432
1969 300SEL 6.3 1394
2003 ML500


Don't get it dirty TJ, it's too pretty 8)

Is that half moon in the rocker cover gasket/seal a part of the gasket itself? I had exactly the same thing on a Kawasaki GpZ900r that I used to own, the bloody thing would ALWAYS leak from there, regardless of how new

the seal was, I ended up having to resort to various types of goop to stop it weeping, but that one was off fairly frequently for tappet adjustments, won't be so often with this engine I assume.

Looking good,


That must be the ultra rare distributorless M102  8)

TJ 450

Yes, the distributor is not installed, because I can't rotate the engine with the double row chain link installed. That will be rectified shortly.

Ken, that half moon is indeed part of the gasket. I wouldn't mind painting the air cleaner lid too. 8)

1976 450SEL 6.9 1432
1969 300SEL 6.3 1394
2003 ML500


My first car as a teenager had a mazda MA 2 litre 4 cylinder ohc engine in it which also had that half moon front gasket arrangement.

it constantly weeped oil from there no matter what was done and the engine was rebuilt from top to bottom so it wasn't caused by a worn engine with excessive blowby.

I think its simply a crap design that was doomed to failure from day one  8)

TJ 450

Yes, I don't like the idea of that setup either, it seems a little povo if you know what I mean.

BTW,  there was a large casting defect in one of the exhaust manifold runners that was blocking the flow by about 1/3. This was obviously straight out of the factory. It was attended to by belting it out with a cold chisel. 8)

1976 450SEL 6.9 1432
1969 300SEL 6.3 1394
2003 ML500


Just seen this thread, nice work TJ
Maybe take a photo of your 'shed' with no cars in it & from a distance and people will appreciate even more your work in a 'covered street side garage' :)
ps. the 450 is still running strong.
79 - 450SEL 6.9 #5628 &  #6466, 92 - 300CE-24, 98 - MX-5, 89 - Ducati 906 Paso

TJ 450

Indeed John, it's only just off the footpath (sidewalk in the US, etc.).

MT appreciates the "just off the side of the street" factor too... everything happens here. :)

The 190E is almost done, too. I hope to have it running just as it is time to sand the 6.9.

Good stuff, re; the 450. I'm sure it's loving the country driving.

1976 450SEL 6.9 1432
1969 300SEL 6.3 1394
2003 ML500