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Sydney - the end is nigh

Started by flutes, 18 July 2010, 11:47 PM

TJ 450

Nice, inconspicuous setup Bill.

The new cameras scare me... I guess that's the idea though. 8)


1976 450SEL 6.9 1432
1969 300SEL 6.3 1394
2003 ML500


In WA the new cameras and legislation allow the cameras to be hidden in bushes completely obscured from vision until you've actually gone past it and been fined. Since they can now shoot in both directions and don't necessarily put up the "thank you for not speeding" sign.

Excellent for those pesky motorcyclists who for so long got away with murder, but now we all have to pay the price.

I have since then noticed more and more motorcyclists obeying the speed limit, even the big fat scary ones covered in tats and club patches.  ::)

We also have mobile speed camera vans. one of which is a VW transporter.

You can see them parked on the side of the road with optically coated crystal clear rear windows.

If you speed, you will get caught, radar detectors are useless against the new generation devices - the old devices are not going to be around for much longer either and will be replaced with the new type.



I wouldnt worry about em.

Victoria has had them for years and years, I drive between 30 and 80'000 km per year and often on the phone (Blueant hands free) which is a bit distracting and Ive had maybe 3 pings in nearly 17 years, all for between 3 and 10 km over the limit.

My last ping was 18 months ago in Leongatha, 63 in a 60 zone.

The other thing is that oncoming cars will flash you and if you drive with your eyes even half open they are fairly obvious and out there for all to see unlike traffic cars with car to car radar and hand held laser guns hiding behind bushes as I seem to remember NSW leatherboys doing.

Forward observation is the key folks, look for boring new pov pack vehicles usually with very dark tint on the rear and rear side windows.

Some will have a cable running from the boot, some will have a black perspex box on the front bumper and numerous other tell tale signs.

The other thing is they rarely flash oncoming cars and normally stick to the lane they are parked against.

Adapt and Overcome, or rack up points trying.