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South Africa is running out of Petrol

Started by s class, 03 August 2007, 01:24 PM

s class

No kidding - well its due to a strike by workers in the petroleum products sector. 

News of this started on around Wednesday I think.  THis morning my wife battled to find a service station with unleaded, and then queued for a while to get.  This evening, I drove around in the 116 for about 30 mins before I got a tip off on where I could buy - I then queued there for 20 mins before getting my chance - and purchased 84 litres of LRP (lead-replacement premium).  84 litres - the other customers were not impressed with my gluttony.  BTW, unleaded is basically sold out now, and motorists are chancing it with LRP in recent model cars at the peril of their cats. 

Currently Gauteng (province where I live) is worst hit.  Gauteng is the economic centre of South Africa, and has a high population density.  Predictions are the province will reah a stand-still within the next few days if the strike cannot be resolved very very soon. 


[color=blue]'76 6.9 Euro[/color], [color=red]'78 6.9 AMG[/color], '80 280SE, [color=brown]'74 350SE[/color], [color=black]'82 500SEL euro full hydro, '83 500SEL euro full hydro [/color], '81 500SL


Cape Town still OK, but I suspect we're just a day or two behind on stock levels... ::)

s class

Apparently the Eastern Cape is the next most severly affected after Gauteng. 

I hope this does come right - I'm booked to drive to Durban on holiday on next Wednesday - which won't happen without gas.

[color=blue]'76 6.9 Euro[/color], [color=red]'78 6.9 AMG[/color], '80 280SE, [color=brown]'74 350SE[/color], [color=black]'82 500SEL euro full hydro, '83 500SEL euro full hydro [/color], '81 500SL


Yeah, you will have a problem! :)

It seems they are continuing negs tomorrow, but even if they reach settlement tomorrow, the plants still need to start producing again, which means further delays in any event. :(

I need to go fill up the Bismarck and the bike tomorrow...

s class

A full tank in the 280 is enough to get to Durban (just) but I don't fancy the possibility of being stuck there. 

I was planning to go in the W140, but its on the stands at the moment for various repairs, delayed by spares supply issues.  The result is I have not been able to go and fill it. 

[color=blue]'76 6.9 Euro[/color], [color=red]'78 6.9 AMG[/color], '80 280SE, [color=brown]'74 350SE[/color], [color=black]'82 500SEL euro full hydro, '83 500SEL euro full hydro [/color], '81 500SL


The sad and silly thing is, they're striking for 0.5%... The workers want 8.5% increase, the companies are offering 8. And because they strike on a no-work, no-pay rule, that 0.5 % they're striking for has probably already been chewed up by the wages they've lost... ::)


S Class; if you are planning your trip still sounds like you need to stockpile with a dozen jerry cans of petrol in reserve.


Some stations in Cape Town have run out of unleaded today. I have all 3 on full tanks. Luckily our old Mercs still run on LRP.


Strike resolved and things are back to normal.