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Question for the South African members about

Started by carl888, 25 May 2014, 02:21 AM


Just wondering if anyone has done business with this crowd?

3 Plein st. Woodstock 7925
Cape Town
South Africa

They have some difficult to source Lancia parts which is great, but the website is excruciatingly painful to navigate, to the point where I'm about to buy some bits sight unseen.

So just curious if you, or you know of anyone who has dealt with them, and whether the experience was positive?

Thanks for any information,



Hi Carl.

I entered the address you posted on google maps and found the building.
I then navigated around the corner of the premises using google maps so I could see if there was another part to the building.
Located on the side street view of the building was a sign which read..

I typed this web address into the my browser and came up with the webpage for the company.
Same webpage as your link except for the following information and photos of an empty building........

This is what remains of the LANCIA STABLE in Tokai after notice was served to vacate by 1.5.2014
and it was not a pretty sight, allegedly the LANCIA STABLE owed a lot of money to the landlord, and never paid up, what they left behind was the grim and the dirt, old oil that seemed to be coming out of a bunker, certainly not from a Lancia, rotten lappies mouldy carpets, in short it was disgusting, and we had to get our hands very dirty to clean it all up. It would not have been fair on the landlord. Certainly in this beautiful part of the world, the name LANCIA will have a bad ring forever.

If you look at the webpage and read down below says..........

Whatever we could rescue is now in my wifes garden. We have to weeks of hard work in front of us trying to find any uselful bits, what we have found so far, you can see on :

So it appears one Lancia guy has shot thru, someone else has taken whatever stock they could rummage and started up again using the same webpage (details changed) and is selling parts again.

Question is, who are you dealing with?

Check it out yourself and perhaps send the new guy an email if you wish to enquire further.

Good luck!



Dear All
I accidentally read this thread and was rather shocked what is circulating in the ether. So to clarify:

Lancia Auto is now doing worldwide mail order for over 20 years:
All our details are here:
more pictures of the building are here:
The late PW Immelman was one of South Africas most prominent Lancia collects. He was a good friend of mine and sadly passed away. For very complicated reasons, all his parts were put in a barn by the now defunct former Cape Alncia Club. After some activity things started to rot, and the landlord gave notice.  To save the parts we evacuated the barn and are busing integrating the parts in our stock. Parts are on
If you need references:
We have 191 registered client i Australia, so you should find a reference.
And lastly:
Yes, the website is a disaster, I have not been able to find a good HTML/PHP wizard, so I am struggling myself,
but I know, the result is not sufficient.
IOf you can come up with any concrete suggestion how to improve navigation, I will try to implement it.
Navigating 29000 parts is no easy task though.
OK I hope things are clearer now.
Regards from Cape Town