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Need some advice from the Aussies regarding Pedders

Started by deton8r, 07 February 2008, 01:46 AM


OK, here's the deal.  I've got an '06 Pontiac GTO (Monaro) and am just about to drop some BIG money on a Pedders Track I setup.  The package is quite complete and replaces nearly all the bushings including the differential insert, new coils, GSR struts/shocks, X member mounts, etc.  Finding aftermarket parts of any kind for this car is quite difficult here in the states so there aren't many options for us GTO enthusiasts.  The Pedders USA dealers pretty much "own" any suspension related forum on the GTO message boards.  They stop at nothing to pimp their products and bash anybody talking about Koni, Whiteline, King, SLP, Lovells, Tein, etc.  Through their persistent marketing they have brainwashed quite a few and have created a loyal following for themselves.  Pedders USA customer service does appear to be top notch.  Today I came across something stating that Pedders is not highly regarded in Australia and that the parts are considered inferior.  Is this true?  I'd hate to become one of the lemmings just because of some aggressive marketing.  What's the real deal?

Also, I noticed a couple of people's signature blocks listing a Holden Monaro.  What suspension upgrades are people doing to these cars?


Brian Crump

I can't comment on Pedders for the Monaro - I simply do not know.
However, based on the work they did for me on an Alfa 164 some years ago I was not impresssed. When their front end re-bushing job failed shortly after it was done they walked away from all responsibility and ignored the warranty they had provided for custom made components. This was despite the fact that the authorised dealer had taken the car to them for their nolothane bushes.
I understand in Australia they are franchised (perhaps someone else know if this still applies) so the quality of the work may very from place to place.
I would investigate HSV before I went down the Pedders track. Perhaps someone here knows what is available through HSV? Alternatively, try one of the Holden forums.
Maybe try  or or even


I've seen some good work and bad work on MX-5's through Pedders, personaly, I wouldnt take my car there, I would go to Fulcrum  I would also keep an eye on ebay, alot of our Aussie places would export, although the cost might kill it.


Various club cars I have built for club level racing over the years have ran "Pedders items" as opposed to complete suspension packages.

The cars were 2 Mazda RX2s, an RX3, 2 RX4 station wagons, and an RX5 rally car.

Heresay amoung other drivers were that the dampers weren't as good as high-end products like Koni or Bilsteins.  Bear in mind these comments were made 10+ years ago.

The best combination we ever got was on the RX5, which consisted of Pedders springs, Koni dampers, polyurethane bushes, Whiteline (was called Selby's at the time) sway bars and Noltec strut tops. 

Again I am going with Pedders springs on the TeamW116 club car, mainly because I know the product from my previous W116 450SE and its use on my club cars.

450SEL 6.9 #5440 = V MB 690 , 450SE # 43094 = 02010 H , 190E/turbo # 31548 = AOH 68K


I heard that they use Chinese parts and relabel them with their brand.
I don't know how correct this is, but I have heard bad reports from more than one person.
Russell Bond - (Adelaide, South Australia)
1978 450SEL 6.9 .... #5166 .... 12/78 (Sold.) [url="//"][/url]


Damn - I was somewhat hoping to hear that the parts were actually good.  The big issue over here in the States is that the Pedders dealers are the only ones with the front and rear cradle alignment tools.  The Pontiac dealerships don't even have them. 

Thanks for the links, I'm checking them out now.

Decisions, decisions...


Hmmm... I was hoping they'd get a better rap than this... I don't think they are that bad.

Please bear in mind:

Pedders have been in business for decades... in Australia we don't put up with shoddy workmanship and if they didn't do things mostly right then they wouldn't be in business.

Pedders run a successful racing team - I would be very surprised if they didn't use their own equipment.

Continuing on the Pedders racing team train of thought, if they can set up any car properly, it should be an Australia car like a Commodore, Falcon or Monaro.  While asking them to set up some obscure car from the 1960s or 1970s for trackwork would entail a certain amount of hit-or-miss, common late model setups should be pretty much spot-on.

Australian motor press is also quick to point out shortcomings with 3rd party products.  If there were problems with their equipment as applied to late-model Australian cars, then they would let us know about it.

450SEL 6.9 #5440 = V MB 690 , 450SE # 43094 = 02010 H , 190E/turbo # 31548 = AOH 68K


I was told that the Pedders sponsored cars don't neccesarily have Pedders parts fitted.
I also heard that teams that are sponsored by oil companies use other brand oils etc in the sponsor's containers.
Russell Bond - (Adelaide, South Australia)
1978 450SEL 6.9 .... #5166 .... 12/78 (Sold.) [url="//"][/url]


 I have very low regard for Peddars but that is based on 20+ years ago. Their products were so bad back then that I wouldn't go near them ever since. But 20 years is a long time but goes to show how lasting impressions can be! In the Adelaide rallying scene back then, if you were cash strapped you might use Peddars but expect a fraction of the life and performance of Bilstein, Sachs, Koni and even Tokico (do they still exist?). Back then the word was that on some products if you scratched at the red paint you would find black paint underneath of a cheap shock. They were pretty aggressive in their marketing back then and I can think of many new players that regretted a purchase. Hard to believe they could stay in business this long if they continued on that path though.

Still, you need to talk to people who have these cars today and preferably put them under motorsport pressures. I know there is a blue monaro that sprints with the MSCA and see them in tarmac rallies too.

I happened to pick up a "Repco performance guide" the other week, which has all sorts of suppliers listed in it and with an emphasis on the Oz vehicles. Specific commodore/monaro products from Koni and Bilstein. Other companies mentioned with specific stuff are Kmac, King springs, whiteline and Nolathane and I am sure you would find sites for these via google.

Interesting that you rallied an RX5, 13B. I had one as a street car back in the early 80's and loved it. I got it cheap with a stuffed motor but otherwise perfect condition and built a new extend port motor. I did other things with carb, exhaust, rx4 diff ratio and suspension. Gave me around 10 years of faultless use including the odd tarmac motorsport event and crushing mates opinions about rotary reliability at the time (I think they were just getting their shit together with seal materials etc.
People would say they were too heavy and soft but would swallow their words with the times it could do around Mallala etc. With overfull garages at the moment, if ever I saw a mint one at the right price I think I would have to make room for it!

Enough reminiscing, hope there is something useful in this ramble!
1980 280s


First off, thanks for the feedback.  Given my lack of options I decided to move forward with Pedderizing my GTO.  I'm not sure how they run things in Australia but Pedders USA customer service and commitment to the GTO community are unparalleled.  At a GTO gathering last weekend, I met up with Michael White, Business Development Manager (and GTO owner) from Pedders USA and a gentleman named Gavin from Pedders Australia.  Mike hooked me up with some very specific alignment specs and was quite helpful in setting up a custom kit for my car.  My install included Hotchkis sway bars and a BMR strut tower bar in addition to the Pedders coils, struts, shocks, and bushings.  The car is now light years beyond stock handling wise and I'm extremely happy with the setup so far.   The guys at NorPac Performance that did the install were awesome as well.