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Mercedes Universal - for Crayford

Started by Grant V, 06 July 2007, 06:14 AM

Grant V

I read your response on "Who are you?" and thought I'd let you know more about the Universal. (P.S. You've got good taste in cars, girl - me too would like a DS Safari)
I found it in a scrapyard in Pretoria waiting to be crushed, so I immediately bought it, but without an engine. Over time I have been buying up parts to complete the car, like a donor 200 for the engine, rear seats from Germany and new taillight lenses off eBay.
I believe that the car is a 1967 model, apparently one of only 416 200's that were built by IMA. I also understand that three 200 Universals were imported into SA in the late 60's by MBSA, to be used as field representative cars, and I think that this might be one of them, based purely on the blue/ white colour scheme, which were the corporate colours of the time.
There used to be a great and thorough website about Universals, which was run by a guy called Kevin Reuss. He had put together a register of Universals and a few years ago there were about twenty odd cars listed. The site has, unfortunately, disappeared, along with all this valuable info.
There are a few Universals in SA. There's a 220S in Bloemfontein, which belongs to Louis Coetzer, the Free State region chairman of the MB club. Waldo Scribante, the Southern Cape chairman of the MB club has just imported a Universal from the UK, and I believe that a local guy has just bought a good example from Zimbabwe. I'm not sure if he's got it yet. All of these cars, including mine, are right-hand-drive.
Every now and again a Universal popps up for sale in Germany - just last month I found a 190d for sale. A 220S seven seater was for sale for quite a while from a German dealer - EUR25 000! Don't know if it's sold yet.
Do you know of any Universals in Australia?

My car :

Louis Coetzer's 220S:

The German EUR25000 220S Seven Seater:

"You've bought another bloody car?!? We should have you committed!" he shrieked, storming out of the room


Grant, I hear that Waldo's car is "vrot" with rust!! :(


Just caught up, somewhat belatedly, with this thread.

Kevin Reuss, two years ago, offered me the honour of taking over and maintaining his Universal site.

At the time, although keen, I was far too committed to too many other things (and not just Benzes) and thought that as I had never even seen a Universal in the metal there might be worthier candidates.

Unfortunately, the site hasn't, to my notice, reappeared.  Kevin had found a couple of possible curators - one in the UK and one in the US (that one also keeps a Ponton site) - and fellow Universal owners - to take it on, bur perhaps that fell through.  I've not heard from Kevin since.

He did, however, send me the entire site which I have archived on my Mac.

In honour of the spirit (hell - even the law!) of copyright, I feel constrained not to publicly share the site's content; however, if anyone is particularly interested, I wouldn't mine e-mailing a few pics privately on request (there are 140 of them).

Now that I've jogged my own memory on it, perhaps I should ask Kevin what has happened to the site.   Then again, perhaps not - do I need another commitment (aside from that which might happen to me any time soon, accompanied by men in little white coats!).

Groan ...

No.  Yes.  No.  Maybe ...

Oh ffff[ornication]!
[img width=340 height=138][url=""][/url][/img]

Grant V


Kevin's site was really quite a treasure and very well researched. I was very disappointed when it disappeared, as it was probably the best source of information regarding these very rare cars.

I don't know what it might entail to get this site live again, but I would seriously consider the opportunity. Would you contact Kevin for me, or PM me his details?

"You've bought another bloody car?!? We should have you committed!" he shrieked, storming out of the room


[img width=340 height=138][url=""][/url][/img]


Oh, and Grant, there was a Heckflosse Universal (called "Fritz") for sale in Beverley, Western Oz, in September 2005. The vendor was asking $AUD19K.

Chassis No. 111001-60-079332

Engine No.   180947-20-007479

I've no idea of its fate.
[img width=340 height=138][url=""][/url][/img]


That is one very good looking Estate.. good thing you found it before it went to the crusher.