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Mercedes Bent

Started by rob280sel, 29 August 2012, 08:22 PM


Not sure if this has been posted before.

This is a great custom job of hiding a 600 under a 190.
be interesting to see an original 190 next to it!


This is the machine in the July issue of TGA.

TJ 450

I think that's quite an amazing custom job. Certainly not easy that's for sure, and very well done in my opinion.

1976 450SEL 6.9 1432
1969 300SEL 6.3 1394
2003 ML500


Phil that's where i seen it.
wouldn't it be nice to drop a lazy $800 grand on a car!!
I spose its an advertising tool for the custom shop.


I do not doubt that many will love this but I am not in that camp though I normally like Hot Rods.

Like the BMW Mini it looks a little grotesque. The wheels are caricature and the interior looks hard and plasticky in the way that modern cars interiors look even in the new SLS.

I think the problem is that the original car is the definition of elegance. It's the daintiest of classic Mercedes-Benz. Turning something so gentle looking into this has lost the essence of the original.



I saw a full write up on this recently but forgotten where. I really don't see the point in taking a classic and doing that to it. Great fun I suppose if money no object but still sacrilege.
1974 450SE silver green/bamboo velour/green vinyl roof


Remembered where I saw the write up. June issue Mercedes Enthusiast very extensive plus lots of photos. Seen the new sister magazine Classic Mercedes? Lots of info on the older models without having to wade through all the modern stuff.
1974 450SE silver green/bamboo velour/green vinyl roof


Not heard of this mag till now. Looks like it's published quarterly. Surprised that there's enough interest for such a narrow scope given the costs associated. I used to subscribe to Mercedes Enthusiast and may take a peek at this one though doubt many shops will stock it.


My local WH Smith had it listed but didn't stock it. The bigger ones do - next one out October. I have taken out a subscription and prefer it to ME as it is more specific. Making it quarterly is an odd one perhaps they are just testing the water but it might count against it. However the write up in ME was very detailed and interesting. Shows just what can be done given unlimited funds.
1974 450SE silver green/bamboo velour/green vinyl roof