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Huge Barn Find in Britain

Started by MB_Mike, 25 June 2008, 09:58 AM


well my friend bought this house 25 years ago.spent a fortune for those days, painting fixing  and doing it up.
now the house is on the largest peice of land in the most expensive area in jhb, and was the original farmhouse of the area.
years later, and not bothering with home owners insurance, he hasnt touched the place up an iota except for building a 10 car garage.
its almost ramshackle, who ever buys the place will have to knock it down.He started buying and selling cars, from home but he he used all his profits to buy his own some cars havent been drivennin years and i popped in to say hi to him the other day to see him poring over books on batteries. asked what he was doing he said that he was buying 16 batteries for the cars. you would thinks its easy but everyone is different. anyway left him to it. hes bored and it gives him something to do.