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calling UK members - need help in Manchester area ASAP

Started by s class, 02 June 2010, 04:11 PM

s class

Hi guys,

Odd request - I'm a closet Ford fan as well, and after 15 years of searching, I've purchased an unmarked dashboard for my Mk3 Escort XR3.  The item is located near Manchester, and the ebay auction was for 'collection only'. 

Lets just say I didn't have time to plan this properly - uncracked vinyl Mk3 dashes are a damn sight rarer than uncracked W116 dashes.  I need someone who can help me crate it, or connect me to a company in Manchester who will crate it for me. 

I will make appropriate payments by paypal to the relevant people to cover costs plus a 'consideration' for the effort/inconvenience. 


also - who are the other .ORG UK members, some of them we don't hear from too often, such as adamb, mirafioriman,.....

[color=blue]'76 6.9 Euro[/color], [color=red]'78 6.9 AMG[/color], '80 280SE, [color=brown]'74 350SE[/color], [color=black]'82 500SEL euro full hydro, '83 500SEL euro full hydro [/color], '81 500SL


Hi S Class,

Sorry I can't help you with your item collection, I'm in London, but just thought I'd put my hand up as a UK member - a new one at that

I guess you have seen these guys: 

Hope you manage to get it back somehow!

s class

Will, thanks, I've got hold of a friend-of-a-friend in Manchester who has agreed to help.  He lives only 20mi from the seller. 

The seller has got very difficult though, and is trying to back out of the sale.  I suspect the main reason is that these items usually sell for GBP550 to 650, and I won this pristine example at GBP220.  I think he is aggrieved at the low sale price. 

His listing says he will assist with packaging the item suitable for couriering.  Now he says he wont.
I asked how long he can store it for me.  He said he;s moving next week.
I asked when my friend can collect.  He says only this Sat or Sun.
I contact my friend who says OK, Sat mid-morning (because he is away Sat afternoon and Sun)
I try to confirm with seller.  He says his plans have changed, he can only do Sat afternoon. 

and so it goes on. 

[color=blue]'76 6.9 Euro[/color], [color=red]'78 6.9 AMG[/color], '80 280SE, [color=brown]'74 350SE[/color], [color=black]'82 500SEL euro full hydro, '83 500SEL euro full hydro [/color], '81 500SL


Hi S Class,

A word of advice, make sure you keep all your email correspondence. He has no right to back out of a sale or make it difficult for you to get the item picked up. He cannot change his mind due to a low selling price, he should have put a reserve on it. eBay resolution center can be quite helpful and you may want mention that you will have to get them involved in you next communication with him. Also if you paid via Paypal use their resolution center as well.


s class

Thanks Scott,

As of this morning's communication, it looks like we have an agreement.  The payment is through, and my friend can collect one evening next week.  I'm still waiting to confirm which evening.  I've asked (for the 5th time) for his phone number, so that my friend can phone him directly (my friend is an older guy, and not on the net) to finalise.

[color=blue]'76 6.9 Euro[/color], [color=red]'78 6.9 AMG[/color], '80 280SE, [color=brown]'74 350SE[/color], [color=black]'82 500SEL euro full hydro, '83 500SEL euro full hydro [/color], '81 500SL