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Started by CraigS, 11 January 2008, 04:32 AM


Received news today from my storage place in Melbourne that the storm that hit Melbourne late December - not sure of the exact date but I guess it was around December 27 or so, and which dumped 150mm of rain in a short space of time, was flooded, and as a result, all of my cars stored there sustained some water damage. How severe is not yet known, but the water must have been fairly high as it made it into the boot of one of, and perhaps both, the 6.9's stored there ! The cars affected are my 220s, 220 SEb, 300 SEL 6.3, 280 CE, Datsun 260z, and two of the 6.9's. Unfortunately, being in Turkey makes it that much more difficult to see first hand how much damage there is, and the longer term implications of this. Fortunately, the storage place knows I am overseas and cannot do anything directly, so they are trying to dry out carpets and the like, and are changing engine, and gearbox oils, so presumably they do have some concerns that the water was pretty high. I hope to be there in February, but was not planning on spending so much time in Melbourne. Maybe now I will have to.


Craig, that's terrible, sort of thing to make your stomach churn over worrying about it for the next month till you get back to Australia.

Hope you don't mind me asking but will they cover you for any damage as part of the storage arrangements? I'm assuming it is some sort of commercial storage arrangement.

Not good mate

:(  :(


The storage facility doesn't have insurance, but fortunately I do - at least on most of them, so I have emailed the insurance company and will see what happens. Can't do much more at this point. I can only hope that any damage is limited to the carpets and they will dry out, with assistance.


I'm so sorry to hear that Craig, I hope the damage is minimal and theres no future problems. How come it only took them till now to tell you? I hope they do right by you.


I was in Oman when it happened, and they were unable to contact me. I guess they have been busy with everyone else's cars meanwhile, as they must have had 80 or so cars in there. Fortunately, they have been trying to minimise any damage by bringing in dryers and moving cars around to drier locations, taking out carpets, etc. but it is the longer term damage that I am conscious of - such as brakes locking up and probably a myriad of other things that I haven't thought of yet.
Fortunately, a friend of mine has next week off so I may have to enlist his services to go and check them out, and see if there is anything that needs to be attended to urgently.


Damn shame im not in the area, I would have been happy to go and check it out and see what damage there is.


Only one consulation is that I have cars spread around a bit so they are not all in one place. Could have been much, much worse if all 15 had been there.


Well they've had a lot of hot weather since then, I hope it's all helped.  Did the water recede quickly or was this place inundated for days?

1973 350SE, my first & fave


Apparently it escaped almost as soon as it arrived, so that was good - I think !


I hope its not as bad as its been made out to be.