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Benz Restecpa (respect)

Started by nathan, 26 June 2009, 12:29 AM


just a short one with some recent pics and few interesting events re positive attitude to our benzes.

1)was approaching traffic lights to turn right in my dads w114 250 last night when i noted the oncoming car turning right was a slick looking pagoda SL...dads 114 is pretty tidy so looks presentable. i was about to thumbs up the fellow as we both turned when this young bloke gave me the salute of justice! i always enjoy mutual respect like this, although hadnt anticipated it from a 113 driver who in the scheme of heirachy, is well above a commoner like the 114!

2)removalists came to dump stuff at my folks (sisters going overseas) and were putting stuff in the garage (multiple enclosed bays) the time i think it had a few cars inc. GL, 124 TE, G, 6.9, 123...the guy reportedly complemented my sister on them, particularly the 6.9, quoting it as a 'work of art'!
(im sure this car will now be stolen over the weekend!)

3)we took a family trip to a coastal town south perth before my sister goes away last week. as our family is now comprised of multiple grandchildren, we had several cars in the convoy.  the maintenance man at the resort complex noted he thought the G was the best of the lot (he actually knew what a G was!) which was pretty cool in light of the fact the new GL500 was there...before anyone comments, i take full responsibility for the enlarging hole in the ozone - well, along with PB, TJ and WGB!

moral of the story over the last week, people still love our old slabs of metal!

1979 116 6.9 #6436
2018 213 e63
2011 212 e63
2011 463 g55
2007 211 e500 wagen
1995 124 e320 cabriolet
1983 460 300gd
1981 123 280te


Love the restecpa!!

You sooooo photoshopped that rainbow in there dude..  ;D ;)


i didna photoshop nothing! my wife and my brothers wife were not impressed by our evasive maneouvres to pull over and photograph the cars and the rainbow though!  and i dont want to rainbow/gay pride analogies with the ML/G thank you! ;)
1979 116 6.9 #6436
2018 213 e63
2011 212 e63
2011 463 g55
2007 211 e500 wagen
1995 124 e320 cabriolet
1983 460 300gd
1981 123 280te


That's great re the pagoda.  I get no respect from anything newer or older.  Not round these parts at least.  But I don't give none either I spose. ::)  Come to think of it, last time I got a nod from a stranger in a merc was in Canberra from a w123 wagon whilst towing the red 280S a few years back.

Man I'm just jealous you got a family of merc lovers.  My Mrs is hell bent on getting a small Mazda next and the folks want to trade their Fairlane for a Prado, sisters are in Astras ???  Man I give up.
1973 350SE, my first & fave


its ok...move west, im sure my dad is looking for another middle aged son...the only requirements are that you are a bit of a useless bastard and have to come round 3 times a week to make sure they havent got mess on your car in their garage!
1979 116 6.9 #6436
2018 213 e63
2011 212 e63
2011 463 g55
2007 211 e500 wagen
1995 124 e320 cabriolet
1983 460 300gd
1981 123 280te


Fantastic story! I've only been driving the 280SE for a year less 6 months for Central New York winter and only get dirty looks (save the one w123 300D driver who passed me and gave me the nod).

Great pictures by the way.
1987 Home market 560 SEL