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A perth fruitcake

Started by Big_Richard, 27 February 2009, 05:19 PM


yesterday, while traveling northbound on the freeway to balcatta from the city, with my usual utter disregard and contempt for rollerskates and other econo trash boxes in the right hand lane (fast lane) I came across a special kind of douche bag.

a probationary driver (teenager) driving in his 1996 blue Mitsubishi magna (diamante) with an external weather poof loudspeaker jammed in his left front window facing outwards playing hip hop through it at full volume in the right lane, traveling 5kmh under the speed limit. This moron had a cue of cars behind him, no idea what he was trying to achieve. Other than looking like a nutjob who's forgotten his medication.  ???

What the....

What a looser! ::)


LOL.  He'll grow out of it........ I hope.  Unless it's a new craze. 

I wonder if the speaker is legal considering some states have laws regarding the level of doof-doof noise coming from cars.
1973 350SE, my first & fave


right hand lane hoggers give me the shits...
almost as much as cue jumpers, who cruise down the lane they know is closed 500m up while everyone else waits patiently...
perth drivers do suck
1979 116 6.9 #6436
2018 213 e63
2011 212 e63
2011 463 g55
2007 211 e500 wagen
1995 124 e320 cabriolet
1983 460 300gd
1981 123 280te


Quote from: nathan on 01 March 2009, 09:09 AM
right hand lane hoggers give me the shits...
almost as much as cue jumpers, who cruise down the lane they know is closed 500m up while everyone else waits patiently...
perth drivers do suck

Oh i like it when they think they can get in in front of me, because i just stay parallel with them and don't let them in. Tormenting morons is a very fun thing to do and i never get tired of it  8)


As a mature driver with many years of experience I see it as my role to share my superior skills with other drivers.

So when some arse-wipe comes racing up along side where the lanes go two in to one its my duty to educate them in to the etiquette of merging.

Here I am in my crap-box with trim hanging off, scrapes down the side and not a straight panel on it  (the result of the early driving experiences of three teenagers - one in particular) and an exotic $200k+ 4WD expects me to move over, it's not going to happen is it...

Boogity, Boogity, Boogity, Amen!

TJ 450

When it comes to merging, if the other vehicle is behind my driver's door they ain't getting in front of me. ;)
Merging is supposed to occur in a seamless fashion with minimal disruption to the flow of traffic. There's a slim chance of that happening around here, particularly when everyone does 80 in a 100 zone in the right-hand lane while proper drivers are forced to overtake on the left. >:(

1976 450SEL 6.9 1432
1969 300SEL 6.3 1394
2003 ML500


Quote from: TJ 450 on 02 March 2009, 06:56 AM
When it comes to merging, if the other vehicle is behind my driver's door they aint getting in front of me. ;)
Merging is supposed to occur in a seamless fassion with minimal disruption to the flow of traffic. There's a slim chance of that happening around here, particularly when everyone does 80 in a 100 zone in the right-hand lane while proper drivers are forced to overtake on the left. >:(


Its the law that once the separating broken line between the lanes has ended, the merge has commenced, and the car in front at that moment has right of way.

that never stops dickheads gunning it up and forcing their way in though.

I unfortunately have company signage on my car, and i don't allow this practice, i know the law and i don't get pushed around. Several morons have ended up driving in the emergency lane from being too stubborn to go behind. I've had 7 complaints to date from these morons who have no idea how to drive, one even came to the office. I wish i was there at the time as he would of been leaving in a body bag.


sticking to your guns here in good ol' south africa will result you getting ur car scratched when taking on our indigenii in their toyota hi-ace taxi's.
unless of course you have a nice big 4x4 with bukk bars, then they arent so tough.


I've noticed some of these savages that now live in Perth have brought their bad driving behaviour with them. They just force their way in with no consideration for anyone else and just expect you to let them in, if you don't, your car gets damaged. Like we need any more bad drivers!!


now try that 1000% worse everyday, morning till night.big jam on the highway. the taxis belt down the left emeregency lane , makes me mad and apoplectic, but i just sit it when a cop pulls them off a km down the road and issues them a big fine.but then they just carry on as if it never happenened, knowing that they wont even pay the fine, coz the cops .sheriff of the court wont look for them in the indigenii township.
rather stay in perth with ozzie rules


Quote from: kolin on 11 March 2009, 07:46 AM
now try that 1000% worse everyday, morning till night.big jam on the highway. the taxis belt down the left emeregency lane , makes me mad and apoplectic, but i just sit it when a cop pulls them off a km down the road and issues them a big fine.but then they just carry on as if it never happenened, knowing that they wont even pay the fine, coz the cops .sheriff of the court wont look for them in the indigenii township.
rather stay in perth with ozzie rules

We aren't allowed to sleep with hand guns under our pillows though ;) They certainly would come in handy for home invasions.

I guess that's a good thing for me, given my insanely bad temper. I have zero tolerance for stupidity in general.


Patrick, if I ever get to visit Australia, no way am I going to try and cut you out. I would be in Aussie land to visit sites and "things," but not hospitals!
Garland, Texas, USA
P.S. We have plenty of bonehead drivers in the Dallas area, so don't feel like you're by yourself.  In fact, I'm sure we have a lot more than you do, to our dismay and frustration.


Well I didn't have to emigrate from London to Sydney to know that moron drivers are a worldwide plague, I had already met enough of them at all points in between, but unfortunately it does sometimes make me wish I was driving a banged up old van rather than a nice Mercedes that I work hard at keeping clean.
BTW Patrick, say 'hi' to Titania for me!
Anytime she wants to post more photos, I'll be paying attention.
Chris M.


Quote from: GreaseMonkey on 26 March 2009, 11:10 PM

BTW Patrick, say 'hi' to Titania for me!
Anytime she wants to post more photos, I'll be paying attention.
Chris M.

yeah me too


Here in WA bus drivers have right of way, when they indicate and wnt to change lane, you must give way, if its safe to do so.

Its very common for bus drivers to abuse this right and just pull into traffic forcing the other cars to slam on the brakes to avoid smashing into the bus.

I was the 3rd car in line behind such an incident on friday afternoon, I did *not* stop in time and drove straight into the rear of a couriers van. Luckily i wasnt in the mercedes, just the company car! Stupid vans, cant see anything around them!  ::) I really hate driving, very over it.